英会話スクール英会話学校 NCC 東京新宿 英語学校/教室





He is successful in life.

Being self-righteous is a negative factor in life.

Nothing in life will induce him to change his plans.

The number of children has been decreasing [increasing].

Traffic deaths have been decreasing [increasing] in number.





He is doing wrong.

He did wrong to her.
≒ He did her wrong.

No matter how much I pursued the question, he denied any wrongdoing(s).

Against his will, he suffered from the wrongdoing.

The boy was punished for his wrongdoing that he did not do an errand.





This is the only book that he wrote which was put on the bestseller list.
⇒⇒ Though he wrote many books, this is the only book that was put on the best seller list.

  This is the only book that he wrote and which was put on the best seller list.





He has vast knowledge of the technology and his demonstration of it was just as marvelous (as his knowledge).

I like studying medieval history; I'm interested in modern history as well (as medieval history).

You should not invest in it with a layman's way of thinking. -Of course, I know as much (as you told me).



英語教室 英語塾 英会話塾 予備校 NCC 東京都新宿区:A.ECOP



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