英会話スクール英会話学校 NCC 東京新宿 英語学校/教室





the municipal bylaw which makes the citizens displeased
≒ the municipal bylaw by which the citizens are made displeased
≒ the municipal bylaw (which) the citizens are made displeased by





make a choice
make a decision
make an investment
make preparations
make a donation
make an excuse
make a discovery





He is not happy with his colleague.

I'm happy with the new software.

Are you happy with these working conditions?

He is happy with the distribution of profits.
≒ He is happy to get the distribution of profits.
≒ He is happy that he could get the distribution of profits.





He is the best author the country has ever produced.

This is the most interesting game I've ever watched.

He is the best author the country has ever produced since the country became independent.

This is the most interesting game I've ever watched in this season.

the fastest fighter ever designed

the highest price ever offered for the antique

the most progressive political party ever formed

the biggest-ever economic growth

the worst-ever settlement of accounts

one of the most successful-ever architects





I want to go to the beach rather than the mountain.
⇒⇒ I want to go to the beach instead of the mountain.
⇒⇒ Instead of the mountain, I want to go to the beach.
⇒⇒ I don't want to go to the mountain. Instead, I want to go to the beach.



英語学校 英語教室 英語スクール NCC(東京新宿本校):A.ECOP



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