英会話スクール英会話学校 NCC 東京新宿 英語学校/教室





A plant in such dry weather no less wants water than a man traveling in a desert does.





We had intended [meant, expected] to obtain a patent for the invention earlier than them.
≒ We intended [meant, expected] to have obtained a patent for the invention earlier than them.

She had hoped to persuade him not to take the matter to court.
≒ She hoped to have persuaded him not to take the matter to court.





a 60-year-old retiree

a 10-dollar discount

a 100-meter(-long) bridge

an 8-hour flight





  He said that if he were acquainted with the affair, he could deal with the task.

If I knew what he did [would do], I could seek an alternative.

If I knew what he had done, I could seek an alternative.

If I had known what he did [would do], I could have sought an alternative.

If I had known what he had done, I could have sought an alternative.





We shared the money [the troublesome task, the expense at the restaurant, the happy news, the throes of creation, the condominium, the folding umbrella].

We shared the earnings with the poor.

Let's share the earnings [between us, among us].





He is not so much a man of religion as an absolute ruler.
≒ He is not a man of religion so much as an absolute ruler.

I was not so much indignant as astonished at his deeds.

They concluded a treaty with the nation not so much friendly as forcibly.



会議通訳 通訳ガイド 翻訳 プロ養成 NCC 東京都新宿区:A.ECOP



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