英会話スクール英会話学校 NCC 東京新宿 英語学校/教室





Before the incredible tragedy, I would often visit the World Trade Center.

Before the incredible tragedy, I used to visit the World Trade Center every Monday.





He used to be the head coach of the soccer team.

There used to be a coal mine there.

  I'm used to touch-typing.
  ⇒⇒ I'm accustomed to touch-typing.





He would come on time.

The president would not desert the employees, no matter what may happen.

He wouldn't have embezzled.





The labor union demands that they should get [get] shorter working hours.

It's a pity that companies should not avoid [not avoid] making political donations in order to gain concessions.

It's natural that farmers should have been opposed to the liberalization of rice trade.
⇒⇒ No wonder farmers were opposed to the liberalization of rice trade.

When and how should they call a general election?

You should lead a more well-regulated life to live to a great age.





He dare do such a thing.
⇒⇒ He dares to do such a thing.

Dared you do such a thing?
⇒⇒ Did you dare to do such a thing?

I daren't do such a thing.
⇒⇒ I don't dare to do such a thing.

  How dare(d) you do such a thing![?]





The teacher was foolish enough to dare to give the good boy a harder time than is needed as a warning to others.

How dare you abuse the executive director? You should know who made our company what it is today and that you would be out of work if it were not for him.



英語学校 英語教室 英語スクール NCC(東京新宿本校):A.ECOP



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