英会話スクール英会話学校 NCC 東京新宿 英語学校/教室





The investigation by the revenue office disclosed the fact that what he had was completely different from what he had reported in filing his income tax return.

What the Roman Empire had at the zenith of its prosperity was great beyond description.





the author's only manuscript that was discovered posthumously

the very statesman (that) I want to vote for in the next presidential election

the first human that successfully landed on the moon's surface

the worst humiliation (that) the proud family has ever suffered from





The only person that inherits the traditional skill was designated as a living national treasure and saved the skill from dying out.

This is the very therapy that I believe is worth trying in order to relieve those given up by their doctors.

He was compelled to retreat by the advance of the domain of Satsuma and Choshu and became the last shogun that governed the warriors' world.

During the Cold War between the US and the Soviet Union, nuclear armament was considered the most vital measure that defended their countries.





an article contributed anonymously
≒ an article anonymously contributed
≒ an anonymously contributed article

population increasing explosively
≒ population explosively increasing
≒ explosively increasing population





There are two flowers; one is red and the other is yellow.

There are several flowers; one is red and the others are yellow.

There are four flowers; one is red, another is white, another is purple, and the other is yellow.

There are several flowers; some are red and the others are yellow.

There are several flowers; one is red, another is white, and the others are yellow.

There are several flowers; some are red, others are white, and the others are yellow.

Some said yes; others said no.

The privilege to bureaucrats is one thing, and the corruption among them is quite another.



英会話スクール英会話学校/教室 NCC(東京新宿本校):A.ECOP



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